Find your Kibbie Body Type and How to Dress
The Kibbe Body Type Test
The Kibbe Body Types are an array of 13 style types and categorised into 5 style families: Dramatics, Naturals, Classics, Romantics and Gamines.
Before you take the Kibbe body type test, I would strongly recommend that you read this article, which will give you an overview and introduction to the Kibbe Body Type system. Not understanding the principles behind this test can lead to incorrect results.
The following test is a comprehensive, guided version (another way to say this would be – very long) of the original test published in David Kibbe’s 1987 (out-of-print) book Metamorphosis.
How To Approach This Test
The best way to perform the test is by taking a picture of yourself in a swimsuit or underwear. Make sure you are standing straight and that the camera is around chest-level. You need a straight shot of your body.
Next, you will need a piece of paper to record your answers. You need to do this accurately because the test is divided into three different sections (Bone Structure, Body Flesh, and Facial Features) and you will need to tally your answers by section.
Record your answers like this:
- Bone Structure: 1A 2C
- Body Flesh: 5E 2D
- Facial Features: 5E 2D
What You Need To Know Before Taking The Test
The test answers are divided into Yin and Yang families. You will find that answers A and B are Yang dominant, while answers D and E are Yin dominant. This means the former are sharper, more angular looking, and the latter are softer, more round looking. Answer C is a blend of Yin and Yang. If you don’t strongly identify with either A/B or D/E, select C. [Note: Some of the questions will have their answers listed in the Yang, Yin order.]
When answering the questions, select the answer that best describes your body even if it doesn’t match perfectly. We are looking for an overall pattern. Hence, a few deviating answers here and there will not change your type.
Make sure that you clearly understand each answer. Every answer has a number of images, so study these thoroughly and try to understand what it is that makes up an answer rather than simply selecting the one that looks most like you.
So without further ado, let’s get into the test.
The first section covers your body’s bone structure. This is not to be confused with the flesh on your bones. Regardless of whether you are heavy or thin, your bone structure is not subject to fluctuations in weight.
This is the most important section and will almost always determine your Kibbe body type. This is because your bone structure dictates how clothes hang on your body.
1. How long is your vertical line?
Your vertical line is your height but in relation to your horizontal proportions. In other words, it’s not how tall you are, but how tall you look.
Two people can measure the same height in inches, but one can appear taller than the other. (Mind, this is not when they stand next to each other, but when looked at individually). If you have a long vertical line, you will appear taller than you actually are. And if you have a short vertical line, you will appear shorter than you actually are.
You can see this at play below. Look at the two images individually. Angelina Jolie, on the left, looks like she is pretty tall. If we were to guess her height, we would probably say she is taller than average. But when we look at Katy Perry, we would probably guess that she is average or shorter than average. In reality though, both ladies measure almost the exact same height in inches. But Angelina looks taller and Katy appears shorter.
So where does the difference come from? Angelina has a long vertical line, and Katy has a short vertical line. If you have a small head compared to the rest of your body, you will appear taller. This is even more true if you have wide shoulders. It’s an optical effect: a small head stretches your appearance.
Vice versa, if you have a large head compared to the rest of your body and/or you have very narrow shoulders, you will appear shorter than you really are. In this case, the body is visually compressed from the top down.

How to answer this question:
Camera angles can distort vertical lines. You can make someone appear taller by taking a picture of them from a low angle pointing the camera upwards. And vice versa, by pointing your camera downwards and taking a picture from a high angle, you can make someone look shorter.
The same principle applies when someone else looks at you. Depending on their height, they will either look up at you from a low angle or look down on you from a high angle.
This is why it’s important to take a picture of your body. Do not look at yourself in the mirror to guess your vertical line. You won’t be looking from the right angle and neither will anyone else. So don’t go and ask someone to guess your vertical line.
The best way to determine your vertical line is by taking a picture of yourself at chest-level. And then check if your head looks small or big in relation to the rest of your body.
My vertical line can best be described as:
A) Long
A long vertical line will make you appear a lot taller than you actually are. Even if you are short, you can still have a long vertical line – if you look tall.
If you have a small head in relation to the rest of your body, you will appear taller.

B) Moderately long
Your head is moderately small in relation to the rest of your body.
This answer differs from answer A only in that you don’t appear extremely tall, but you do appear taller than your actual height.

C) Moderate
You look your actual height, not taller, not shorter. Your head is in proportion to the rest of your body.

D) Smallish
A short vertical line will make you appear shorter than you actually are. Even if you are tall, you can still have a short vertical line – if you look short.
If your head is moderately large in relation to the rest of your body, you will appear shorter.

E) Petite
It’s very obvious that you are small in stature. And your head is large in relation to the rest of your body.

2. What shape are your shoulders?
Be aware of your posture when answering this question.
My shoulders can best be described as:
A) Narrow, sharp
These shoulders look angular and bony. There is no softness, no roundness, just angles and sharpness. What sets them apart from answer B is that they are narrow. This makes for an abrupt transition from shoulders to arms.

B) Broad, blunt
These shoulders also look masculine. However, they are not sharp but blunt at the edges. They are broader and wider than answer A, which means the shoulder-to-arm transition isn’t as abrupt.

D) Sloped, tapered
These shoulders have a noticeable slope. They tend to appear dainty, but unlike answer E, they have sharp edges.

E) Sloped, rounded
These shoulders have a noticeable slope and are quite narrow. What sets them apart from answer D is the roundness at their edges. There are no sharp angles here.

C) Symmetrical, even
These shoulders are defined by what they are not. They are neither very angular nor very sloped. If you can’t clearly identify with one of the other answers, select this one.

3. How long are your arms and legs and what shape are they?
Again, this question is not actually about how many inches your extremities measure, but how they appear in relation to the rest of your body. You might be petite, but your arms may be long in comparison to your torso. Or you might be very tall, but your legs are short for your torso.
How to answer this question:
When you are taking a chest-level picture of yourself, put your arms to the sides of your body. Then see how far down your thigh your fingertips end.
Make sure to relax your arms while doing this as stretching them out will make them appear longer than they are.
My arms and legs can best be described as:
A) Elongated, narrow
These arms and legs are long! Your fingertips reach further than halfway down your thighs.
What sets these arms and legs apart from answer B is that they are narrow. Elbows, wrists, and ankles are very thin. Bear in mind that we are talking about the bones here, not the flesh.

B) Elongated, broad
These arms and legs are also long. Your fingertips reach further than halfway down your thighs.
The bones are broader and wider are wider than answer A. Elbows, wrists, and ankles are not very thin.

C) Moderate, even in proportion to my height and torso
Arms and legs are in even proportion to the rest of the body. Your fingertips end at about halfway the length of your thighs.

D) Small, slightly short
Arms and legs are slightly short compared to the rest of the body, but not significantly. Your fingertips don’t reach halfway down your thighs.

E) Small, very short in proportion to my height and torso
Arms and legs are very short in comparison to the rest of the body. Your fingertips don’t reach halfway down your thighs.

4. What are the size and shape of your hands and feet?
My hands and feet can best be described as:
A) Long, narrow
These hands are big in comparison to the face. The way they are shaped though is long and narrow. Both the palms and the fingers are long.

B) Large, broad
Just like answer A, these hands are big in comparison to the face. However, they have some width, which means the fingers and palms are broader than answer A.

D) Small, narrow, delicate
These hands are small in relation to the face. They are also narrow, long, and delicately shaped.

E) Small, slightly wide
Like answer D, these hands are small in relation to the face. However, they are wide not narrow.

C) Moderate, neither very large nor very small
These hands are in even proportion to the face and body. They are neither very large nor very small, and neither very narrow nor very broad.

Part 2: Body Flesh
This section covers the flesh on the body. Note that body fat does not affect your answers. This is about the overall look of your flesh, skin and muscles.
Some people have very soft, fleshy, cheeks, even when thin. Others have very taut skin on their cheekbones, even when overweight.
5. What is the overall shape of your body?
Take another look at your photo. Is your figure more straight or more curvy?
The overall shape of my body can best be described as:
A) Long, lean, dry
This body type is long and straight. The body doesn’t have any defined curves. The breasts are small to average, the waist is straight and undefined, and the hips are narrow.
Even when overweight, the body does not develop any defined curves.

B) Broad, tending toward muscular
This body shape is defined by its broadness. The shoulders are wide, and the waist is also wide with little to no definition. The hips are either narrower than the shoulders or of the same width.
Even when overweight, the body does not develop any defined curves, but instead becomes stocky.

D) Shapely, a delicate hourglass
This body shape has an hourglass figure like answer E. However, it’s not as rounded and with some sharpness around the shoulders.
When overweight, the body becomes curvier, but the sharpness at the shoulders remains visible.

E) Very soft, lushly curved, a ripe hourglass
This body shape is a full, ripe hourglass. Shoulders, breasts, and hips are clearly rounded.
Even when skinny, the roundness of the limbs is noticeable.

C) Moderate, even
This body shape is moderately defined at the waist, with bust and shoulders that are equal in width. The waistline isn’t as defined as answers D and E, but it’s not as straight as answers A and B.
Overall, this body shape is symmetrical, but only moderately defined – not too curvy but not extremely straight either.

6. What shape is your bust line or upper torso?
Again, this question is unrelated to your weight. Please read the description for each answer.
The shape of my bust line can best be described as:
A) Flat, taut
This bustline is flat with very small breasts.
Even when overweight, flesh does not accumulate here.

B) Wide, broad
Like answer A, this bustline is rather flat with small breasts. What sets it apart from answer A is that it’s broad.
When overweight, a little flesh tends to accumulate here.

C) Moderate, in even proportion to bust and hips
This bustline is moderate in size. The breasts are neither full nor flat.
When overweight, flesh accumulates evenly throughout the body including the bustline.

D) Shapely, curved, more prominent than my waistline
This bustline is prominent. The breasts are quite large and round, but not as full as answer E.
When overweight, flesh tends to accumulate in this area.

E) Very prominent
The bustline is very prominent; the breasts are full and rounded.
Regardless of weight, this bustline is always prominent.

7. What shape is your waistline?
Answer this question in proportion to your bust and hips.
The shape of my waistline can best be described as:
A) Elongated, but boyishly tapered (even when overweight)
This waist is long in comparison to the rest of the body. It has no definition but instead tapers, even when overweight.

B) Elongated, but broad
Like answer A, this waistline is long in relation to the rest of the body. But instead of narrow, it’s broad with no definition.

D) Very small in proportion to bust and hips
The waist is clearly defined but with some sharpness. While answer E has a rounded curve, an answer D waist has a sharper curve.

E) Softly defined, but tends to be slightly wide
This waistline is clearly but softly defined. It has no sharpness; instead it’s a rounded curve.

C) Moderate, slightly defined
This waist is neither very straight nor very defined. It’s in even proportion to the bustline and hipline.
If you cannot strongly identify with any of the other answers, choose this one.

8. What shape are your hips?
Like the last two questions, this question is in proportion to the rest of your body.
The shape of my hips can best be described as:
A) Tapered, straight, narrow
This hipline is straight, narrow, and undefined.
Weight tends to collect here when overweight.

B) Straight, slightly tapered, and slightly wide
This hipline is also straight and undefined, but it’s wider than answer A.
Weight tends to collect here when overweight.

D) Shapely and rounded, more pronounced than my waistline
This hipline is always prominent and wide regardless of your weight.

E) Extremely soft and rounded
This hipline is always very prominent, very soft, fleshy, and rounded regardless of your weight.

C) Moderate, in even proportion to bust and hips
This hipline is neither very straight nor very round.
If you cannot clearly identify with any of the other answers, select this one.

9. What best describes the flesh on your upper arms and thighs?
This question is not based on how much you work out. Do not select answer B just because you go to the gym. An answer B will always have muscular looking flesh regardless of whether they work out or not.
The best way to determine your answer is to pinch the flesh on your upper arms and thighs.
If you are thin but still have soft and squishy flesh, select answer D or E. If you are heavy, but the flesh in your arms and thighs is lean for your weight, choose answer A or B. If you feel you are somewhere in the middle, select answer C.
The flesh on my upper arms and thighs can best be described as:
A) Long, slender, sinewy
B) Elongated, tending towards muscular
C) Moderate
D) Soft, slightly short
E) Very soft, slightly wide and fleshy

Part 3: Facial Features
The last section covers facial features. Again, it’s best to take a straight picture of your face. Make sure that you aren’t wearing any makeup.
10. What shape is your jawline?
The best way to answer this question is by taking a straight picture of your face without smiling too much.
My jawline can best be described as:
A) Sharp, either pointed or very square
These jawlines are very square, angular, and sharp. Usually, they will be prominent.

B) Broad, blunt, slightly wide
These jawlines are prominent like answer A but instead of a sharp edge, they have a blunt one. This means they are slightly more rounded at the edge but still very angular.

D) Delicate, tapered, or slightly rounded
These jawlines taper to the chin and can be very narrow. They show some sharpness as they slope.

E) Rounded, or softly wide
These jawlines are very round. There is no sharpness at the edges, which are rounded. They have small jawbones.

C) Moderate, neither wide, sharp, nor rounded
These jawlines have some sharpness but also some roundness. If you can’t strongly identify with one of the other answers, select this one.

11. What shape is your nose?
How would you describe your nose?
My nose can best be described as:
A) Sharp or prominent
This nose is prominent and can be large, but unlike answer B, it is narrow and sharp.

B) Broad or blunt, on the large side
This nose is broad and may be large. Like answer A, it’s quite prominent.

D) Delicate, tapered, narrow
This nose is delicate, small, and narrow.

E) Rounded or softly wide
Like answer D, this nose is small, but it doesn’t have the sharpness that answer D has. Instead, it is rounded at the tip.

C) Moderate
This nose is defined by what it’s not. It’s neither very large or small, nor very rounded or very sharp.
If you can’t strongly identify with one of the other answers, select this one.

12. What shape are your cheekbones?
This question is not about the overall appearance of your cheeks. It concerns only the cheekbones.
So ignore the flesh on your cheeks and look just at the shape of your cheekbones. You may need to feel the bones to get your answer.
My cheekbones can best be described as:
A) High and prominent
These cheekbones are prominent. They are sharp, narrow and sit high on the face.

B) Broad or blunt, on the large side
This nose is broad and may be large. Like answer A, it’s quite prominent.

D) Delicate, narrow, and slightly rounded
These cheekbones are first and foremost delicate. And even though they are slightly sharp, they are not prominent like answer A.
They also have a slight roundness, but it’s not as significant as in answer E.

E) Rounded
These cheekbones are soft and rounded. They are not very prominent and are not sharp like answer D.

C) Moderate
These cheekbones are defined by what they are not. They are neither very prominent and sharp nor very rounded; they are somewhere in between.
If you cannot strongly identify with one of the other answers, choose this one.

13. What shape are your eyes?
How would you describe your eyes?
My eyes can best be described as:
A) Narrow, straight, and closely spaced
These eyes are small, straight, and tend to be closely spaced.

B) Narrow, straight, and widely spaced
These eyes are straight and long and tend to be widely spaced.

D) Rounded or upturned, slightly close together
These eyes are larger than answers A and B, but not as large as answer E. They are slightly rounded or upturned. They may be slightly closely spaced.

E) Very round and very large
These eyes are very large (and hence very prominent) and very round.

C) Evenly spaced, moderately wide
These eyes are neither very straight nor very rounded. They must be evenly spaced. If your eyes are not evenly spaced, do not select this answer.

14. What shape are your lips?
How would you describe your lips?
My lips can best be described as:
A) Straight, narrow
These lips are small, straight, and potentially thin.

B) Straight, strong, broad
These lips are straight like answer A, but they are wide and also not very full.

D) Slightly full and rounded
These lips are small like answer A, but they are delicate and rounded. They are not as full as answer E.

E) Very full and very rounded
These lips are rounded and very full. They are bigger, fuller, and rounder than answer D.

C) Moderate, even
These lips don’t fit into the other categories. They are neither very straight nor very round, and neither very thin nor very full.
f you don’t strongly identify with one of the other answers, select this one.

15. What best describes the flesh on your cheekbones?
For this question, assess your cheeks when you smile and when keep your mouth relaxed. How does the flesh on your cheekbones feel?
The flesh on my cheekbones can best be described as:
A) Flat, taut
The flesh on the cheekbones is taut. When you smile, an indent forms in the hollows of the cheeks.
Even when overweight, the flesh is taut and your cheeks do not get puffy.

B) Fairly tight or muscular
The flesh on the cheekbones is fairly tight. When you smile, a slight indent forms in the hollows of the cheeks, but it’s not as pronounced as in answer A.
When overweight, the cheekbones tend to get a little bit puffy.

D) Soft and fleshy
The flesh on these cheeks is soft and fleshy, but not as rounded as in answer E.
When overweight, the cheeks tend to get very full.

E) Very round and fleshy
The flesh on these cheeks is very round and fleshy. Even when you don’t smile, the cheeks are round and puffy.
And even when thin, these cheeks are soft and fleshy.

C) Moderate, slightly soft
These cheeks are neither very taut nor very fleshy. If you cannot strongly identify with one of the other answers, select this one.

16. What best describes your hair?
This is the last question of the test, and it’s also the least important one. If you haven’t lost sight of the natural texture of your hair, answer it; otherwise, skip this question.
My hair can best be described as:
A) Extremely finely textured (silky-smooth), either straight or with a slight bend
B) Strongly textured (coarse, heavy), either thick and straight or wavy/curly
C) Moderate texture, slightly wavy or with a bend
D) Moderately thick, with a bend, wave, or curl
E) Extremely thick, with lots of wave and curl (with a soft surface)

Test Results
Now it’s time to tally up your answers and to determine your Kibbe archetype. Do this by section and look for the highest scoring letter in each one.
Mostly A Answers (Dramatic):
If you got mostly A answers under all sections, you are a pure Dramatic. Your bone structure, body flesh, and facial features are long, lean, sharp and defined by sharp yang.
If you got mostly A answers under bone structure, with a few E or D answers under body flesh and facial features, then you are a Soft Dramatic. Your bone structure and most of your body flesh and facial features are sharp yang dominant, but you have some Yin in your body flesh and/or facial features.
Mostly B Answers (Natural):
If you got mostly B answers under all sections, you are a pure Natural. Your body is elongated, broad, and blunt and is defined by Soft Yang.
If you got mostly B answers, with some A answers under bone structure, then you are a Flamboyant Natural. Your body flesh and facial features are probably broad and blunt, tending towards muscularity, but your bone structure is long and lean like a Dramatic.
If most of your answers are B under bone structure, with some D or E answers under body flesh and facial features, then you are a Soft Natural. Your body flesh and facial features tend towards petite or lush yin, but your bone structure is broad, blunt and elongated.
Mostly C Answers (Classic):
If you got mostly C answers under all sections, then you are a pure Classic. Your bone structure, body flesh, and facial features are blended – neither sharp nor rounded, and neither short nor long. You fall in the middle of yin/yang spectrum and your body type is balanced.
If most of your answers are C under body flesh and facial features, with a few A or B answers under bone structure, then you are a Dramatic Classic. Your body flesh and facial features are probably answer C dominant, but you have some yang in your bone structure.
If you got mostly C answers under bone structure, with a few D or E answers under body flesh and facial features, then you are a Soft Classic. Your bone structure is probably answer C dominant, but you have some additional yin in your body flesh and facial features.
Mostly D or E Answers (Romantic):
If you got mostly E answers under all sections, you are a pure Romantic. Your bone structure, body flesh, and facial features are all soft, small, rounded and characterised by lush yin.
If you got mostly D answers, or if most of your answers are E or D with a few A answers, then you are a Theatrical Romantic. Your bone structure, body flesh, and facial features aren’t as soft and rounded as a pure Romantic’s. Your bone structure, body flesh, and facial features are mostly soft and rounded (yin dominant), but you have a few yang features, probably in your bone structure or facial features.
Mixture of A/B answers and D/E answers
If you got an even mixture of opposite answers A/B and D/E, then you are a Gamine. This body type is a combination of yin and yang features. You can’t really say whether your overall bone structure, body flesh, and facial features are yin or yang because each feature is a different answer.
If you got an even mixture of opposite answers of A/B and D/E, but with slightly more A or B answers, then you are a Flamboyant Gamine. Your features are either pure yin or yang, but overall, you have a bit more angularity to your body.
If you got an even mixture of opposite answers from A/B and D/E, but with slightly more D or E answers, then you are a Soft Gamine. Your features fall on either side of the yin or yang spectrum, but overall, you have a bit more softness or roundness to your body, probably in your body flesh.