Mama’s Top 5 New Year’s Resolution Gifts

January 05, 2024

This year, Mama has had a lot of resolutions that she’s been storing up. It feels SO strange to have a list of things to get for myself, especially just after Christmas when my family has given me such thoughtful and meaningful presents.

When most of your time is spent chasing tiny humans around the house and teaching them not to strip down in public hollering, “to infinity and beyond,” it can be difficult to know what someone wants. But they did a great job this year.

But now that I’m set on my biggest Resolutions, I have gifts that I am going to get myself. Maybe not right this minute, but when the time and the money are right. (Let’s be honest, we aren’t all millionaires yet on here.)

So, what is on my list this year?

5. Canvas Tripod Desk Lamp

Resolution: Practice and share my art

My goal for years has been learning to draw and I’ve been working toward it little by little. I’m still not very good but this year I want to make a more conscious effort. I want to be able to film my process and share my art, even when I mess up. I want to be able to look back and see myself grow as an artist.

This lamp/tripod is perfect for that because it is adjustable for a top-down view for when you’re drawing on an iPad or paper.

4. IRONCK Bookcase

Resolution: Read more

I love reading but haven’t always had time for it. This year I plan to start reading again, rebuilding my book collection. You know what that means – bookcases!

These IRONCK bookshelves are a great aesthetic and I think would go well with my future vision for the look of my home.

3. Storage Containers

Resolution: Declutter my house

I bet 90% of people want to declutter their house after Christmas. I know I do. But after 3 years of living among other people’s junk from previous owners, it’s time to finally start getting rid of stuff.

Between a dumpster and some boxes, I think I could get it done as long as I don’t come across any spiders.

2. UREVO Under Desk Treadmill

Resolution: Lose 25lbs

Two kids later, I can proudly say that I need to lose weight. I’m not uncomfortable in my body but it would be nice to feel better. Plus, I miss my old clothes.

What better way to start than with a small treadmill while I’m working?

1. FEZIBO Standing Desk

Resolution: Spend less time sitting down

When I first saw the standing desk I knew I had to have one but I’d never been able to fit it into the budget. Then when I saw it paired with the under-desk treadmill, I decided that I would wedge it between some items in the budget.

I sit down all day staring at a screen so being able to stand up and still work sounds like just what my body needs.

I don’t know what your New Year’s Resolutions are but these are a few of mine. They aren’t complicated or over the top but they will make a difference in my life whether it’s health or enjoyment. If you haven’t thought about what you’d like to accomplish this year, it isn’t too late.

*This article includes affiliate links and I may or may not receive a commission if you choose to buy something listed via the link.

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