A publishing company created by writers for writers.
We are here to bring new authors' voices to readers' hands.
We aim to give back to the writing community and give new
authors the attention they deserve.

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Latest Article

You can make money from your writing even without traditional publishing.

Your publishing journey doesn't have to look like everyone else's.

You can make money from the worlds you create with just your computer and a bit of elbow grease.

Learn how to monetize your writing and get a free word count tracker at the end.

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Be A Podcast Guest!

Wrote a book? Be a podcast guest!

We've finally started the So I Wrote A Book podcast and we are looking for writers who want to talk about their experiences, share advice, and promote their books.

Check out our article to learn more and fill out the guest application form.

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✨ About Us ✨

Ray and Sarah have always had a love for books, ever since they were children.

After living life despite the odds set against them, finding each other, and having children of their own, they decided to share their love of books and writing by starting their own publishing company.

Third Wheel Publishing is a family-run business that works to give back to writers and help new authors bring their books to life.

There is a lot still in the pipeline so make sure to check back frequently to see what's new!

What is Romantasy?

Publish With Us!

Your book deserves to be read! We're here to help new authors reach their readers.
No matter what stage you're at with your writing, we'll help you reach the finish line to publish your book.
Read our submission guidelines to learn more.

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How To Sell Your Book When 'No One Is Reading'

You thought writing a book was difficult but now that it's published, you don't know how to get people to actually buy it.

Check out our article to learn some vital tips for how to sell your book in the age of online purchases and short attention spans.

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Submit Your Book

Submit with our most popular publishing option where there are NO UPFRONT COSTS from you.

We help you with everything. Editing, marketing, and producing your book.

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New from Rifsy

Taki Emushi was a normal college dropout. But after an unfortunate accident, he found himself in a new body, with a crazy ability: he can power up anyone that takes a bite out of him. But hotties aren’t the only ones looking for a taste. Join our fluffy protag as he navigates a new world....and discovers a terrible secret!

WHO IS RIFSY?!?!?! We wish we knew! 🤷 This master of parody and comedy has yet to give us a true look behind the scenes of his persona. For all we know, he really could be a reincarnated cake! 🎂😮

He calls himself an author and hype man but who is he underneath the jokes? Guess you'll have to meet him to find out!

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Upcoming Book Releases

Get a SNEAK PEEK at new books that will be coming to you.

Don't forget to check back periodically to see if our lineup has changed!


So I Wrote a Book Podcast

Books. Publishing. Marketing.

You wrote a book. Now what?

Helping authors reach a larger audience is what we're here to do.
On our podcast, you'll hear advice, reviews, and possibly even some surprise guests.

The podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, and YouTube

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Submit to Scrive

Created by writers for writers.

Submit to Scrive, our monthly digital magazine that brings your work to readers everywhere.

The magazine accepts all genres and publishes chapter-by-chapter (if applicable), making it easy for you to get started with publishing your work.

🔥 No having to have a finished book.

🔥 Don't worry about marketing.

🔥 Reach new readers.

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