
October 17, 2024

The first thing you have to defeat in order to be successful is fear. The fear of saying to everyone you know, “This is what I am doing, and please share it with anyone who may be interested.” It sounds like an easy thing to do, but in fact it’s a very vulnerable position to be in and is what’s stopping a lot of us from doing that thing we want to do. Putting yourself out there, can be scary. What will ppl think, what will they say, is what I’m trying to do silly, will it make me look stupid, and it goes on and on. But the quietest fear is, I’m not good enough and people won’t like it, I won’t follow though, and I’ll look like a failure. These voices inside your head is what causes anxiety. Recognize these voices as the voice of Anxiety, and they’re what causes fear. Fear stops you from trying, and if you don’t ask for her phone number, she can’t say yes. StudioLink takes away paralysis by analysis by only giving you the bare essentials. The who, what, where and why of Customer acquisition.