The Most Important Choice Of A Man’s Life
… Are you gonna choose her, or stay free.
…What ya gonna do
The choice to live a life of Marriage, is the one choice that effects a man more than anything else in his experience. Every man knows it, we’re at war with it. For a man, giving up something that feels good is an awesome achievement; give that man, the love and respect of a woman, there is nothing he cannot do.
… Are you gonna choose her, or stay free.
…What ya gonna do
This is the most important choice of a man’s life. Make sure she respects you. Men often change the entire way they move, because how they’re moving, a woman cannot respect.
Whether or not to change his life, and make a home for a woman is the choice. It’s a life of unending work, and sacrifice of personal pleasure for the greater pleasures of life. Family, a woman by his side who he would die for, all he needs.
There’s a mechanism inside of man, that isn’t activated until he reaches this place in life. Its like nitrous oxide, when solely with her he becomes better, faster, stronger and able to endure greater amounts of pressure. As these attributes become more active, the work of a married man becomes more serious, they work together; it’s weird.
Women either underestimate, or are not fully aware of what they do to men. A man is vulnerable, and makes questionable decisions in his natural state. If you look at the story of Adam & Eve, there is not a more natural man than Adam. Unlike us, who have to use faith to believe in God, Adam spoke with God Himself, and knew He was Real. And still, for his woman, he was disconnected from God, and gave his life.
Ask the woman, before you marry her: “What would you do for a man who’d give his life for you”. Whatever she says is her understanding of what a wife should be. Listen carefully, and do not expect her to give more than she said. Don’t argue w/ her (waste of time), don’t go back and forth, accept what she says. Choosing who you will give your life and seed to is too important for word games.
The need man has to take care of, is very powerful. Deciding not to marry, keeps a man unable to access this power. It’s different with children, they’re a part of you. It’s reptilian to not take care of your child. That’s not a human trait, but to love a woman more than he loves himself, a natural to a man.


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